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Pincushmon and Stuffymon.



Siento la enorme cantidad de tiempo sin subir algo... he estado bastante ocupado con la universidad, y para ser honesto, últimamente no me he sentido muy... emocionado o con ideas, los sprites simplemente... no salen.

Simplemente para no dejar esto vació, subiré las primeras Etapas de Raggedymon de las cuales me olvide por completo...

Perfil de Pincushmon:
Un digimon tipo marioneta, que se dice, es el digimon de la etapa bebe con mayor taza de supervivencia. Aunque nace en medio de matanzas y violencia, Pincushmon es un digimon que durante su etapa bebe, siempre esta a salvo, y rara vez llega a morir en esta etapa, esto, debido a que se les deja vivir hasta que lleguen a la etapa infantil, esperando que tenga el "Alma de el Vigilante" en su interior. En la parte superior de su cuerpo, tiene una abertura de la cual sale una materia bastante esponjosa, se dice que este material por si solo tiene un digicore separado al de Pincushmon, y que conforme el crece, este material también crece pero de una forma exagerada, al punto que en cierto momento, debe sacarla de su cuerpo para sobrevivir. Sus movimientos especiales son lanzar motas de un material esponjoso hacia el rostro del enemigo obstruyendo su vista (Stuffy Stuff), y expulsar las esferas de los alfileres de su cuerpo para golpear al enemigo (Pin ball).

Perfil de Stuffymon:
Un digimon tipo marioneta, cuyo cuerpo ha sido expandido en gran medida por una sustancia blanca esponjosa. La materia blanca que ocupaba su cuerpo cuando era un Pincushmon, ha crecido en gran medida, abriendo un agujero en su cuerpo y saliendo por su cuenta de este, sin embargo, de alguna manera ha encontrado la forma de controlarla y moldearla a su gusto. A pesar de que ha crecido en medio de violencia, observando como es que todos los que son mas grande que el a su alrededor han sido asesinados, por lo general siempre va tranquilo por su habitat sabiendo que el no saldrá herido, y por esto, incluso arman grupos para atacar y jugar bromas a los cazadores de Raggedymons. Cuando finalmente se siente listo para evolucionar, Stuffymon expulsa el relleno de su cuerpo y lo deja enterrado. Sus movimiento especial es formar un brazo con la materia blanca y golpear al enemigo (Punching Stuff).


Sorry about the long time without uploading something... i've been really bussy with the University and to e honest, lately i haven't feel really... emocionated or with ideas, the sprites just... don't come out.

Just to not let this all be empty, i'm uploading the first levels of Raggedymon of which i totally forgot...

Pincushmon Profile:
A puppet type digimon, that is said, is the baby digimon with the most number of population and surviving rates. Even though is born in the middle of massacres and extreme violence, Pincushmon is a digimon that during its Baby form, is always safe, and rarely will die in this level, this because they are let to live until they evolve to child level, expecting it to have the "Eye of the Warden" in its interior. In the superior part of its body, has an opening in which a very fluffy matter comes out, is said that this material has a Digicore of its own, and that as Pincushmon grows, the material does it as well in a very exaggerated way, to the point that in certain moment, it has to get it out of his body to survive. Its special movements are throwing balls of a spongy material to the face of the enemy to obstruct its view (Stuffy Stuff), and expelling the spheres of the pins on its body to hurt the enemy (Pin ball).

Stuffymon Profile:
A puppet type digimon, whose body has grow in a great extend because of a fluffy white substance. The White Matter that filled its body when was a Pincushmon, has grown large, opening a hole in its body and getting out by it own if this, however, somehow Stuffymon has found the way to control the matter and shape it as it wishes. Even though it has grown in the middle of violence, watching how everyone that is bigger than him get murdered, generally its always calm going around in its habitat knowing that he won't get hurt, and because of that, it even makes groups to attack and play jokes to the Raggedymon Hunters. When its finally ready to evolve, Stuffymon ejects the stuffing of his body and burries it. His special movement is shaping the white matter as an arm, and hitting the enemy with it (Punching Stuff).
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